Friday, April 19, 2013

People Reluctant To Kill for an Abstraction

In "Be proud, do not apologize" this blog noted that Wafa Sultan said:
We have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant. We have not seen a single Jew destroy a church. We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people. The Muslims have turned three Buddha statues into rubble. We have not seen a single Buddhist burn down a Mosque, kill a Muslim, or burn down an embassy. Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. (Emphasis added.)
The person or persons who set off the bombs at the beginning of this week may have had no more to do with a particular religion than those who bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City eighteen years ago today. But it is evident which example was followed.
Two days ago reprinted a 2004 George Saunders article, People Reluctant To Kill for an Abstraction:
Last Thursday, my organization, People Reluctant To Kill for an Abstraction, orchestrated an overwhelming show of force around the globe.
At precisely 9 in the morning, working with focus and stealth, our entire membership succeeded in simultaneously beheading no one. At 10, Phase II began, during which our entire membership did not force a single man to suck another man's penis. Also, none of us blew himself/herself up in a crowded public place. No civilians were literally turned inside out via our powerful explosives. In addition, at 11, in Phase III, zero (0) planes were flown into buildings.
During Phase IV, just after lunch, we were able to avoid bulldozing a single home. Furthermore, we set, on roads in every city, in every nation in the world, a total of zero (0) roadside bombs which, not being there, did not subsequently explode, killing/maiming a total of nobody. No bombs were dropped, during the lazy afternoon hours, on crowded civilian neighborhoods, from which, it was observed, no post-bomb momentary silences were then heard. These silences were, in all cases, followed by no unimaginable, grief-stricken bellows of rage, and/or frantic imprecations to a deity. No sleeping baby was awakened from an afternoon nap by the sudden collapse and/or bursting into flame of his/her domicile during Phase IV. (Emphasis added.)
And so forth.

Eventually this insanity will end. But to quote the scriptures of a religion which has itself all too often been fanatical, "How long, O Lord?"

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