Monday, October 22, 2012

The Third Debate: Mendacious Candidate Disgraces Self Redux

From [By Andrew Sullivan and others]:

Romney will say things that are completely incompatible with each other.
Romney keeps saying that sequestration was Obama's policy. That's an obvious lie.
I've never seen any human being up close like this - a mechanical, unstoppable machine of say anything, forget everything in the past, refuse to take any responsibility for anything he has said in the past, and just smile and golly-gee smile his way along.
In a sane world, Obama would count as the clear winner.
Romney ... just lashed away at Obama without regard to subject or logic.
Chris Matthews says Romney should "apologize to America for being a complete cynic."

What does it say about the state of democracy in the United States that the race is considered a tie?

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